Gene Leitermann
Gene is co-founder of Nextstage Design. He worked as a stage carpenter and dimming system designer prior to joining Systems Design Associates, a New Haven-based theater design consulting firm, where he spent 12 years including 6 as vice president. He began working at Theatre Projects Consultants as a senior consultant in 1996, and led the US office from 2003 until 2014, when he left to form Nextstage Design. Gene serves on the faculty at Yale School of Drama, has lectured internationally, and has provided public testimony, code change proposals, and written commentary to the National Fire Protection Association, International Code Council, and United States Access Board. He has collaborated with many of the top-ranked architects in the United States on nearly every type of performing arts facility.
Selected Projects
Gordon Center for Creative and Performing Arts
Waterville ME
New Recital Hall
State College PA
Whitinsville Christian School
Whitinsville MA